• Reconnect emotionally
• Affirm or renew your commitment to one another
• Cultivate a healthier and more resilient bond
• Cultivate the opportunities for shared learning and development that can spring from the thoughtful exploration of your problems or difficulties
• Understand one another and your strengths and vulnerabilities in a relationship
• Understand the correlation between your early lives and your experience in relationships
• Understand and express your needs authentically.
• Understand what most strengthens your feelings of closeness and attachment
• Develop strategies and skills for managing and resolving habitual tensions or conflicts and for communicating more effectively when stressed
• Develop or adopt rituals or practices that will support and nurture your life as a couple
• Develop your capacity for self-reflection, intimacy, and trust, as well as emotional regulation when arguing or distressed
• Expand your capacity for emotional and sexual intimacy
• Negotiate agreements, including agreements to change your relationship paradigm or status
• Rebuild trust and safety after an affair
• Cope with divorce, remarriage, financial or employment stresses, loss, grief, parenting conflicts, cultural tensions, a personal history of trauma, depression, anxiety, disability, illness, care-giving or aging, or any other source of stress or adjustment in your lives